Friday, January 1, 2016

Welcome everyone to my new blog..I decided to take advice from  a friend and also a relative that I should flush my pride down the toilet and ask for help with moving all my Fur Babies to a safe home..We just need to save up to move May 31st this year to a place where my Girls can run and have fun in a yard and not be afraid to take them for walks. It is a long story how we ended up where we are but LL in last house got upset because city made him fix things so he put a for sale sign in front yard. We moved here just from photos and info from someone I used to call a friend (will NEVER do that again) . There are 3 or 4 Meth dealers in this town with population of less than 100 plus people shooting others dogs and cats. There are so many things wrong with this house and neighborhood I won't even take up a lot of space writing about them.
I have been able to start saving up some to be able to move but unpreventable things have happened. My dogs are 6 and 12 years old and have NEVER had fleas until we turned the heat on in Oct and fleas came out in droves and my babies were infested. We have been working hard to get rid of them and so far and have spent over 250.00 and I am praying they don't come out again when weather warms up. Had to take Bianca to vet because she fell and hurt her leg (she was 12 in September so is getting kind of fragile)
I have sheets hanging over the part of fence that is chain link so no one can see my Dog's and Dog's cant see anyone walking by.
I will be offering some items for sale on here to help with funds plus will list some things on ebay. If anyong would like to help and donate $1.00 or more to help please contact me and I will give you my PP info and please donate as a friend so there are no PP fees. I will try and keep this blog updated to let everyone know how things are going.
We are trying to get a morg and our Credit scores are fine but we have things we are disputing and they need to be removed. My Husband had his identity stolen and we have atty working on clearing it up. One was from Victorias Secret and they mail bills to us but items get mailed to FL..They will not tell us the sddress in Fla even though they bill us. It will take some work to get it cleared up and we have 5 months to do that. 
I will post more info and updates within the next week. Thank you to all of you for reading my blog...Hope everyone has a great 2016